The heart and soul of Blue Ridge Literacy is the dedicated cadre of volunteers who give up their time, energy, and expertise to help adults and families throughout the region to develop English literacy skills. BRL is very fortunate to have the quality and commitment of our hundreds of volunteers, and we continue to offer opportunities for service that really make a difference to others and throughout our community.
Tutor Preference Questionnaire
Please answer all questions honestly. This questionnaire will better help us match you with your new learner.
Tutor Eligibility Statement
Click to review Blue Ridge Literacy's tutor eligibility criteria.
Literacy Tutors

Literacy Tutors work one-to-one with an adult learner in a public place of your choice. BRL will train you to work effectively with your learner for at least six months. Meeting location and times are determined by you as the tutor.
Classroom Teachers

Classroom Teachers work in small- and large- groups with adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners. BRL will train you to work effectively with your group for at least 10 weeks either at BRL or another class location. Class times are determined by BRL.
Tutor Requirements
Must be at least 18 years old
Must commit to 6 months of service as tutor; 10 weeks of service as teacher
Must have a high school diploma or GED
Have no record of conviction for sex offense, theft, larceny, crimes of violence or other offenses that could pose a threat to the safety and/or well-being or a learner
Must have a desire to help someone improve their reading, writing, speaking, and/or listening skills
Must be patient, compassionate, and committed
Must complete Tutor Training
Will commit to at least two hours per week of instructional time
Agree to meet in a public tutoring location
Will notify the learner in advance of planned absences or expectations of delay
Will notify Program Director if learner is not attending regularly or if problems arise
Send monthly reports to Program Director every month
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get involved?
If you are interested in volunteering at BRL, reach out to Program Director Sara Geres for more information. She can be reached at sgeres@brlit.org.
What does it cost to become a tutor?
There is a one-time $35 materials fee. This covers access to BRL's literacy library, unlimited copies, and tutoring materials for you and your learner(s).
What will I do as a volunteer at BRL?
You will work with an adult literacy learner in either a one-to-one or group setting as a tutor or teacher. You will help your learner improve their literacy skills and achieve their goals.
What is the time commitment?
Volunteer tutors must commit for at least six months and teachers must commit for at least 10 weeks.
Where is BRL located?
BRL is located inside the Main Library in Downtown Roanoke. Our address is 706 S Jefferson St. BRL's entrance across from the social security building and down the Elmwood Art Walk.
What qualifications do I need?
All literacy volunteers must be at least 18 years old, have a High School Diploma, and possess an interest in helping someone improve their literacy skills.
Where will I volunteer?
BRL tutors will meet in any public space, such as the BRL offices or a public library. Teachers will meet in the BRL offices.
What is the best part about volunteering?
Over 100 literacy volunteers will tell you that the best part of being a literacy volunteer is meeting the motivated learners (students) and developing what is often a life-long friendship.
More Opportunities
Meet our Literacy Volunteers
Clare, Tutor
Why do you volunteer at
Blue Ridge Literacy?

This is an opportunity to get together once a week for an hour with a good friend and learn as much from him as he learns from me.
Alicha, Teacher
Why do you volunteer at
Blue Ridge Literacy?

I really like the sense of fulfillment in volunteering my time and making a difference in people's lives in the community. Teaching English impacts people I see on a weekly basis.